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AWS is the trusted technology and innovation partner to the global healthcare and life sciences industry, providing unmatched reliability, security, and data privacy
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Bearing Point
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Our purpose - 'together we are more than business' - is well established here at BearingPoint. It's in our DNA. But to make sure we live that purpose day in, day out, we're guided by a simple set of values that bring it to life and give it meaning.
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At IBM, we do more than work. We create. We create as technologists, developers, and engineers. We create with our partners.
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A mobile mental health support through with a voice diary that allows users to tell their own story.
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Taoglas is a global leader in sophisticated technologies for a more intelligent world. Our products use cutting-edge components and technologies to assist OEMs, businesses, and communities in overcoming the challenges of bringing digital transformation solutions to market.
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